Sunday, January 03, 2010


Now this is a frugalpleasure -
A warm bowl of Oat Bran - I adore oat ban - seems everyone and their cousin eats oatmeat which to me tastes much like wet warm unflavorful cardboard. Sorry to my oatmeal lover friends out there.

Here's how I love it (sometimes I skip everything but the milk)

1/4 cup oat bran
1/2cup milk
a teaspoon of raw honey
1 dash or 4 of cinnamon (sometimes also add raisins...yummm...)
all  in a large bowl - lest it boil over -- zap it in the microwave for 4 minutes -
stir - add a little more milk - zap another 3 minutes (it should be smooth)

 - -  comfort food of the highest frugalpleasure order.

Try it - let me how much you love it or not...

Here's the cost: .50/ serving
and here's the nutritional value:

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