Sunday, January 03, 2010

Faces & Costs of Clutter

Up until I undertook this blogging eneavour, my goal had always been to keep my home tidy and clean with less regard for the clutter that hid behind closed doors. Oh once in a while I'd de-clutter the pantry and drawers, but this was generally confined to the kitchen and an occasional closet upstairs.

I have a master bedroom with a walk-in closet, and always kept that walkable. Everything looked excellent to visitors.

This is no longer acceptable, looking good to visitors. Originally my decluttering plan under this simplification mode was to declutter my "secret clutter places," garage and attic.

This priority has little by little shifted. Before I tackle the epicenters of my clutter, I need to take care of every closet, cupboard and drawer inside my home. Surface neatness is no longer sufficient.

Frugality means having access to all our things when we need them.
Money is lost when I have to buy a new measuring tape because I cannot find one of the 3 I already own. Until I have every nook in my home organized and de-clutterd, I will simply borrow from my sister what I need. No worries, she will force me to return it straight away.

Behind closed doors, all of my things have strayed from their homes and are hard to find. A good de-cluttering of closets, drawers, and cupboards during these cold months will serve me much more than attacking the garage and attic just yet.

There is plenty to thin out and organize right here inside my cozy warm home.  I plan a space a day. Pantry done!

Wish me luck.

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