Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Frugal Pleasure of Sorts

Well folks, I'm out of town on a business trip, and this is the first time I've had a free moment to write.  I really am not totally enamoured with traveling, people all seem to love traveling.

I do travel a good bit internationally due to the demands of my work. I tend to be a very happy and cheerful person, so I am loving exactly where my feet are planted. Just enjoying the moment.

 I did take the week end to meet up with my best friend who lives in Milan Italy. We had some quality girl time, and that was such a blessing. Such a pleasure. A little chalenging having a best friend who lives on another continent.

Presently I am in Amsterdam, It's a great city, I love the history and the art, culture. But I come here all the time, so it is not new to me, but over and over again, I ADORE  the museums. Looking forward to getting home though.

Some of the perks of business travel are eating out at phenomenal restaurants, and no house work :). I am thoroughly enjoying being away from my "projects", yes I am.

These trips make it quite easy to stay on my newly adopted "unemployment budget"  because I can live extravagantly for FREE. Does not get much more frugal than that does it? So this too is a frugal pleasure.

Well bye-bye for now, till I'm back state side.

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