Monday, March 22, 2010

Back to Frugality

I am finally back from Europe, my trip was business, but I managed to turn a good bit of the time into personal pleasure. I am very grateful that my work is a pleasure as well :).

Busy - busy - busy - excuses
There is so much going on and so much to do at home that I've simply not had the time to post an update. Next week end I am traveling to Miami for a wedding, the week end after, family from Vancouver are visiting. I simply do not have time to think, much less document my thoughts. Let me rephrase this, I am simply not well organized enough to blog and still continue all my other pursuits as I like to do.

There is Italian class which I must complete and try to get as much out of as possible, not just about getting an A - as much as it is about learning to speak - read- write.

There is my beloved yoga practice which has definitely taken a back seat, with travel, family, and classes pushing it to the back of the stage. This is not good because I consider yoga my sustaining life line. I must reposition this pursuit center satge now that I am back. My life's quality is very much directly proportional to the amount of yoga I practice. Simple fact.

Family, they are of course built in, as I live with them, thankfully :).

Friends and hobbies, I lump these together because some of my hobbies such as painting, I do with friends, so it is both creative time as well as friend connecting time. Remaining connected with my friends is vital for me and for my well being.

My home also continues to need its tender loving care, I have a number of improvements in mind, some needed, some simply creative ideas I want to execute. Along with my home there is my garden, it is wild from a long winter. I think it will take 5 days of working outside ALL day to get it to presentable. Not beautiful, but presentable. This year I also want to resussitate my herb garden. We shall see.

I will stop here, though there is certainly more to list. My remedial ability to properly organize my time and to make best use of my time shows. It shows in my ever growing list of to dos and creative projects on the back burners. The travel does not help with this situation, but I assure you that I use it as much more of an excuse than it really is.

I continue to look for ways to improve every aspect of my life, and at this time it seems that "time management", and organization are clearly at the epicenter of my mission. I do know one thing, to be sure, all of my "tasks" need to be fueled by a well rested and well fueled body. I need to exercise, as that fuels my energies.

Wish me luck as I get myself back into my day to day life, and special project rhythm. My goal is to be able to keep a balance, do a little of everything, includig a bit of nothing, keep some harmony in the pursuit of life.

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