Friday, January 29, 2010

Food Waste Friday

Last night I gathered for my food waste, and all I really had were some shriveled apples. How do apples go mushy in a house of people who love apples? I'd relocated the fruit bowl due to a small kitchen renovation, and think folks sort of forgot about these.

So I decided to make the best of the waste, this in no way excuses the wasted apples. But it does give them one final purpose, and brought my family olfactory pleasure, and water in the mouth (as the Brazilians say)  this morning.

Here's what I did:

Mushy apples
2 cups water
3 cinnamon sticks
Crockpot on low

This AM I woke up to the most delicious smelling house...Yummmm!

Tomorrow they will be compost.
By the way - I love that Kristen at Frugal Girl keeps me on my toes when it comes to wasting food.

Ha - Now I just need somebody to whip me into decluttering my night stand drawer, better managing my time, and, well, the list goes on. Little by little, as long as I don't go backward, I'm getting there. It's a process.

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